On 12th of January 2009, on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda's Birthday youth had celebrated district level dialogue at 10 district of Utter Pradesh with 11 NGO partners. Objective of the district level dialogue was to generate a demand by 1500 youth related to their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Right issues. Youth had given a demand letter to Chief minister of Utter Pradesh and they were demanding on the three major issue which they are facing in their society,the first one was the Prohibition of early marriage because the status of U.P. is very poor and youth are living in very miserable condition because 50 percent of the girls aged 19-24 get married in the early age. And also the ratio of boys is also very critical. The second demand was for the availability of resources and information related to youth SRHR at every Primary Health Center. And the third one which was a burning issue for our government for provision of sexuality education for youth. Different type of stake holders like parents, Chief medical officers and political leader, Anganbadi worker, ANM, ASHA, teachers participated in District level dialogue. Youth presented their issues presentation of Puppet shows, film theater, songs, speachs and many others.
For pictures releted to District Dialogue Download from here